Nerdy Birdy

One of my favorite pet names for kids is Nerd Bird. I have used it for years as a term of endearment. Imagine my excitement when Esther and I were browsing at the library and we came across the book, Nerdy Birdy, by Aaron Reynolds and Matt Davies. I knew we had to borrow it!

This book is about a bird named... Nerdy Birdy. He doesn't look like the cool birds, and is interested in different things,  but he really wants to be friends with them. While he was wishing to belong to a group of "cool birdies",  he is discovered by a whole flock of book loving, light saber playing birds like him. He thought life was great, until something happens to change his mind about being one of the group.

I would recommend this book to all kids, young and old! Whether you read it yourself, or have someone read it to you, it is fun and leaves the reader (or listener), with something to ponder.


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