Maine Student Book Awards!

Last year I was introduced to the Maine Student Book Awards. I had worked with the Chickadee Award Winners (picture books), but had never spent time with the MSBA winners. Wow, was I happy I did! There were some excellent reads on there that really moved me!

Now that we are back in school, I am ready to start exploring this year's winners. Last week, Wesley and I downloaded the audiobook of All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook by Leslie Connor. We were hooked! I found myself taking the long way so that we could listen more.

I recently started Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks. While I am only a few chapters in, I am really enjoying it! I downloaded this from CloudLibrary, which is a digital library with audio and digital books. We access this through our account with the Topsham Public Library. I read the digital copies on my iPad or Kindle (and even my phone!).

It is my goal that I will read all of the books on the MSBA grades 4-6 list this year. To help me keep track, I plan on printing out this list, or another from the MSBA website (, and checking them off as I finish. This will be posted behind my classroom door if you ever want to check my progress! 
My goal is for everyone in 4th and 5th grades to explore these reads! I know that Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Suthers in the Learning Commons have copies of them all ready for you to check out when you return on Tuesday! I hope that you not only read them, but come visit me to talk about them, and review here! 

Happy Reading! 


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