Soar: Revisited

Sharing Stories Back in October I made a post about the book, Soar, by Joan Bauer. I hadn't thought much about the book until Wesley came home with it the other day. We were talking about it again, and I was reminded of what a great and powerful book it is. Thinking about this book also took me back to what we were doing while we listened to it. I can remember exactly where we were when the conversation below occurred (we were on the highway, driving home from Augusta). I can feel how happy I was to be with my kids after they were away for the night, and how great it was to have this love of sharing stories with them (or at that moment, just Wesley!). I can still hear Esther in the back seat wishing it was over, and Wesley and I trying to shush her and say it almost was. Books have power. When we read them, they become a part of us, a part of our memories, and a part of our being- much like music. Sharing them with those you love is special. It gives you someth...