
Showing posts from November, 2017

Ready Freddy and the Gingerbread Jitters

Ready Freddy is always a favorite series! Today, Averi G. in 3L is going to review,  Ready Freddy and the Gingerbread Jitters  by Abby Klein. This is a perfect book as Christmas approaches! Ready Freddy and the Gingerbread Jitters by Abby Klein I like this book because I like gingerbread houses. In it, Freddy took some shaving cream and was making a Santa beard. Then Freddy climbs a tree and breaks his arm. At school he makes gingerbread houses. I recommend this book to people who like Ready Freddy. One thing I don't like are the Freddy's Fun Pages because they make the book longer and my mom makes me read them.  Averi, thank you for sharing this book with our readers! I know many of them enjoy our friend, Freddy. 

Charlotte and the Rock

Today our special guest book reviewer is Charlotte C. in Ms. Rice's room. She is reviewing a great picture book: Charlotte and the Rock  by Stephen W. Martin. Here is her review: Look at all of Charlotte's hard work! Thank you Charlotte for sharing this funny book with us! It is in our learning commons, so be sure to look for it.